"Don't let These Memories Slip Away""

Hey, I'm Taylor

I'm just your average enneagram type 4 (The Romantic).

I love to dance + love a good margarita. I am married to the most amazing husband who is by far my biggest encourager in life. Together, we try to create a life that reflects Jesus in all ways. We own the most beautiful Doberman named Mollie and a fun lovin' American/English Bulldog named Mack. Music Festivals are my jam and in the summer you will find me enjoying my time at the lake with my family or at the race track cheering on my husband (He's kind of a rockstar + races a dirt track late model).

Book a Session

Precious moments inspire me

Your Experience is as Important as the Photos we will Create

I would say that God has given me a love for people + that passion is what drives me. I love to incorporate my own life experiences into my designs. I want emotion to overflow when people see my work. Creating imagery both in photography and graphic design is more about the feelings and relationships that come out of the image than about the transaction.

Work with Me

Trust me, I know how much you want to hold on to every second

life always goes by too fast

Trust me, I know how much you want to hold on to every second

I'm not here to just show up with a camera and shoot. I wanna be more than that for you. I want to capture your precious moments and create unforgettable memories with you. I do this because I want photos to be more than photos to you.

Let’s do this, lovely. Head over to my contact form to discuss details of whatever your little heart desires.

Let's Talk

little girl hugging mom
new born photography
maternity photo. couple laughing
family playing
maternity photo. couple laughing
newborn baby
couple laughing